Planning RV Lighting Upgrades

Posted by Stephanie on Jun 17th 2020

Planning RV Lighting Upgrades

Anyone that has an RV knows that replacing the lighting is necessary at one time or another. Just as a home without wheels needs to have fixtures and bulbs changed out, a recreational vehicle is no different. So, when the time comes to swap out old lights, which lights should you choose? Planning for the right kind of lights is simple once you know what the options are.

LED lighting has become very popular among homes on the road for many reasons. Some pros of utilizing LED lights are:

  • Energy efficient
  • New technology and development have given consumers more options of color and brightness
  • Long lifespan with some products lasting tens of thousands of hours
  • Creates more direct points of light for focused lighting

The advantages of LED technology are pretty simple. Not only are they an economical option as opposed to traditional lighting, but they last longer, and put out a better quality illumination. Nearly every light in or on your RV can be found in an LED option. Some products even incorporate two products into one, such as a combination interior 12V reading light with a 2-speed fan. This product is a convenient fan/bunk reading LED light combo with switch for each function. This gadget allows you to read a book with adequate light, and provides a comfortable fan for cooling.

One of the most common lights that need replacing are dome lights. The next time one of these needs a bulb swapped out, consider not only upgrading to an LED, but an entirely new unit. Replacing the older dome lights with brand new ones is a great way to upgrade the overall look inside your RV. Dome lights are an inexpensive way to bring your outdated decor to the modern age. A recessed LED interior dome puck light offers a smooth and rounded design for discreet and convenient attachment. The bright natural LED light output provides a cozy illuminated environment just like home.

Another illumination that frequently needs changing is outdoor lighting. Did you know that a typical porch light can be upgraded to not only an LED option, but also an option that provides safety? Scare/porch lights can be left on at night, but also turned off only to turn on when motion is detected. These lights not only provide the strong illumination needed when it is dark, but also provide some security as they ward off unwelcome company, such as wildlife.

Having the right replacements for lighting on hand when you need them takes some planning. Instead of choosing the same replacements as times past, consider stocking up on the LED options above for a more modern style and light output.