Updating Your RV

Posted by Janna on Aug 21st 2020

Updating Your RV

What have you been up to this summer? Fall is just around the corner, and many are taking this time to update their RV and be ready for a whole new outlook next year. Refreshing your surroundings is an excellent way to uplift your spirits.

So what do you like most about RVing? Is it having nothing on the schedule, so there is time to be absorbed in your favorite book again? Or is it making new friends, and exploring late into the evening to come back to the welcome of a porch light?

There are so many possibilities when it comes to making renovations, and it is good to think about what is most important to you. Another way to approach it is to think about what is ruining your vibes? It really could be way past time to take down that old wallpaper border.

Lighting can change everything. The best light is from outdoors. A renovation that makes a huge difference is windows. New windows will bring in the natural light more fully. Do you need more light than updated windows can offer? Consider adding a skylight. You most likely will need some professional help for a project like this. If you're not ready for such a large project, decorating would be a more uncomplicated place to start, and you may have just the knack to do that on your own.

Enjoy the process! Take the opportunity to create a space that truly reflects your joys and makes relaxing easy.